MATTHEW HIGGS - Art is to Enjoy

4 July - 10 August 2008



04 July – 10 August 2008


The gallery is pleased to present its fifth exhibition of work by Matthew Higgs. Higgs' work - which invariably takes the form of framed book pages, framed book covers and photographs of books – might productively be thought of as a form of 'found conceptual art'. 


For more than 12 years Higgs has worked within these self-consciously defined - but almost infinite - parameters. Rooted in countless hours spent in second-hand bookshops Higgs' re-contextualization of existing printed matter seeks to consider questions of authorship, uniqueness, labor (or lack thereof), vandalism, linguistics, typography, design (and its relationship with late-modernist abstraction), amongst other things. 


Often making direct reference to the condition - and reception - of art Higgs' ongoing project formally acknowledges the presence and role of the viewer, while simultaneously addressing the physical reality of the art object.


The exhibition’s title is derived from the 1965 book ‘ART IS TO ENJOY’ by Donald Walton.


Matthew Higgs (b.1964 Wakefield, England) has exhibited internationally since 1992. Recent solo exhibitions include: The Apartment, Vancouver, Canada (2008); Jack Hanley Gallery, Los Angeles, CA (2007); and Murray Guy, New York (2006). In 2007 he had a two-person exhibition (with Peter Wuethrich) at the University of Massachusetts Gallery, Amherst, MA. Recent group shows include: ‘A New High In Getting Low (NYC)’, John Connelly Presents, New York (2008); and ‘Two Years’, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2007/2008). This summer his work will be included in ‘Not So Subtle Subtitle’ curated by Matthew Brannon for Casey Kaplan gallery, New York.


Higgs is currently the Director and Chief Curator of White Columns, New York, where he has organized more than 125 individual exhibitions and projects in the past three years. A widely published writer and a regular contributor to Artforum magazine Higgs has recently contributed to publications for artists John McCracken, John Baldessari, Dave Muller, Ken Price, Ian Kiaer and Sara McKillop, and Kay Rosen, amongst others.